7:30 PM19:30

Summer Movie Nights

Some of us remember how much fun it was to go to the drive-in to catch a movie in our cars, trucks or vans all lined up in rows in a field or parking lot. To watch, we’d sometimes lean on the hood of the car, or put chairs in the bed of the truck. We jammed as many people into our vehicles as possible to save money, even in the trunk!

Those bygone days are in the rear-view, but we can still create new traditions this summer in our own outdoor venue—either the park or at the beach.

The Climate Action Team is bringing you 3 movies, one per month in June, July and August starting with Idiocracy and followed by The Day After Tomorrow and Don’t Look Up. These movies illustrate some what-if, futuristic scenarios given evidence of climate change.

The dates and times for the movies will be set closer to summer and may change depending on the weather. Keep your radio dial tuned in, as we used to say!

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7:00 PM19:00

Community Meeting (Virtual)

Read Aheads for Beach Rules and Bylaws Review:

  • Please read the Letter from the President.

  • To see the Proposed Beach Rules, click here.

  • To see the Proposed Bylaws in order with both current and proposed amendments, click here.

  • To see the Proposed Bylaws - substantive amendments only - with background and rationale, click here.

To review the community meeting agenda, click here.

To see the latest Treasurer’s Report, click here. (coming soon)

To see the latest Membership Report, click here. (coming soon)

To see what the volunteers on committees have been up to, click here.

To review the minutes of the meeting held September 29, 2024, click here.

Google Meet info:

Ideally, each member logs into the meeting on their own computer.

Video call link:  https://meet.google.com/igi-kzec-kkz
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 772-218-0801 PIN: ‪412 038 631#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/igi-kzec-kkz?pin=3715964825856

We will open the meeting with instructions on how to participate virtually, including voting.


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11:00 AM11:00

Lock into Love

What exactly is a love lock? In Europe, couples symbolize their everlasting love by locking a padlock with their names inscribed on it, usually throwing the key away afterwards. Couples attach love locks to bridge railings, fences and other fixtures. Love locks are also a testimony of hope.

We’ve dreamed up a clever adaptation of this practice to spread the love around in our little neighborhood. Starting Friday, February 15th, you’ll be able to affix your lock to the gate sections on the road to the beach, but don’t throw away the key! We may be upgrading those gates this spring, but for now, have at it!

There is no official start time or end date for this experience, just a lasting sense of happiness.

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3:00 PM15:00

Holiday Tree Decorating and Lighting

We’re planning a special, nautical-themed event to celebrate Hannukah and Christmas which fall on the same day this year. Luther Park will be alive with sparkling lights and awash in the splendid colors of both holidays. There will be multiple firepits for warmth and atmosphere.

Our creative genius, Cassie Patriarca, is off and running guided by her wondrous vision. Mother of two, she hopes to start some new traditions so that her kids/your kids will have fond memories to look back on, lovingly.

We’re talking a boatload of fun for the children with hot cocoa and eggnog to sip and salt dough ornaments to make. Snap photos alongside a special couple in red and then bedeck a glittering tree with your ornaments and candy canes.

Gia Salvaggio, who “womaned” the wildly popular drink station on Halloween Nite, is setting up a festive table to get the Yuletide cheer flowing. She’s spicing up the hot cocoa libations and sparkling prosecco baubles with Baileys, Schnapps and Kahlua.

LPIA President, Dan Karten, is making eggnog spiked with Rum—his specialty. Just a little somethin’ for the adults to take the edge off amidst all the stress of holiday prep. If these spirits don’t move you, BYOB. We’ll also have hot coffee.

So don’t think, Bah humbug; instead, join us! To help decorate or set up, simply show up on Friday or Saturday, well in advance of the start time.

To RSVP, please reply to this email. It would be super helpful if you indicate the number of adults and children attending as we’ll be doing name tags in advance. Guests welcome. Ho Ho Ho!.

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1:30 PM13:30

Wrack Attack and Park Pick-up

When the tide is low, to the marsh, we’ll go!

Grab your pitchforks and don rubber boots for another go at removing naturally stranded, dead plant material, AKA wrack. It’s smothering the marsh and stymieing the growth of beneficial coastal grasses underneath.

One of LPIA’s youngest volunteer leaders, Amity Burock, will help lead the charge. She’ll need a big crew and is counting on You! Some volunteers will be enlisted to inventory trash found on the beach and in the marsh with assistance from Save The Bay, as part of the International Coastal Clean Up program that is world wide.

By the way, this will be Amity’s debut as head of a brandy new Climate Action Team she’s forming. Since marsh restoration is integral to absorbing impacts from sea level rise and storm surge, participants will automatically become part of the team. Great bragging rights. Go Amity!

On this day, another of our newest leaders, Nick Mulvihill, will pitch in at the park to organize leaf raking, debris clearing and repositioning some errant stones. Nick’s going to help us maintain our land assets going forward. Thanks Nick!

Bravo to everyone who turns out to help breathe new life into the marsh and the park. Nothing like a good cleanup.

This event is weather-dependent, but it looks like clear sailing.

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9:30 AM09:30

Trick Out the Park for Halloween

We simply mustn’t let the harvest season go by without an event just for kids. After all, the shed is loaded with Halloween decorations. Trick it up. Gussy up the sign. Breathe some spooky atmosphere into the park!

Next year, we’ll shoot for a full-blown, Family Fall Festival but for now, here are some of the thoughts we had to make this “spooktacular” event really fun.

Scarecrows: Make them at your place and haul them over to the park. Affix them to the trees, chairs, what have you.

Remember pressing colorful leaves between wax paper? If kids make them, volunteers can string em’ up. We’ll bring the clothesline, clothespins and cider for sipping.

We’re counting on the crackerjack decorators in our midst to orchestrate this event and kids who really know how to rock a costume for our photo gallery memories.

So, grab the pumpkins, mums and corn husks off your stoop for a day and make it happen! If you have treats to share, even better. Then, please come back by November 2nd to break it all down.

We’ll watch the weather but know that Saturday is a fine alternative if Mother Nature isn’t feeling cooperative.

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3:00 PM15:00

Member Meet Up: Ping-Pong in the Park

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Did someone say games? How about cornhole, horseshoes, bocce, Giant Jenga and Tug of War for this lively Meet Up?  Come and test your skills or learn new ones.

While you’re at it, why not go for the gold?  We challenge you to guess which officer is a ringer in one of these activities—before the games begin. Bottom line, have fun and meet new people because you’re not coming for the food! Everyone welcome!

This event is weather-dependent.

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10:30 AM10:30

Member Meet Up: Coffee and Canines

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let's get literate about dogginess! Enter, Warren’s noted “dog whisperer”, Brian Webb, worker of magic when it comes to pairing humans and pets. He’ll give us a preview of what we can do to make interactions more harmonious in Laurel Park. We can’t expect miracles overnight, but we can start by proactively taking some steps.

This event is not limited to dog owners; in fact, quite the opposite! Anyone is welcome to join and listen to this interesting expert’s perspective—except, ironically, the canines. Arrive early to check in with host, Connie McGreavy (LPIA Officer), as there may very well be follow-on sessions with the whisperer for training, if members agree. For doggy etiquette guidance, Click here.

This event is weather-dependent.

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7:00 PM19:00

Member Meet Up: Full Moon Firepit Night

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There’s nothing better than waxin’ and yakkin’ under a full moon, except when it’s rising! That’s at 6:02PM if you want to snap some great photos, plus a little birdy said there might be clam chowduh. Beach it by 7PM for a warm and wonderfully relaxin’ autumn night.

We’ll provide the pit, and with any luck, some music, but You do You, as in BYOD (drinks). Please also BYOC (chair). If we need more, host and chef extraordinaire, Andrea DiFilippo (LPIA Officer)—with your help—will lug some down from the trailer.

This event is weather-dependent.

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5:00 PM17:00

Annual July 3rd Festivities

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

5-7pm Cookout at Luther Park

Burgers and hot dogs provided, bring a side or dessert if you are inclined but not necessary. We plan to hold an egg toss and may have other surprise activities. Feel free to play bocce. Water and sodas provided otherwise BYOB.

5pm Calling All Kids Parade!

Please decorate your wagons, bikes, and outfits for a short parade around the neighborhood. Kids are also welcome to ride in our motorized train!

Nighttime Bonfire

After the sunset we host our annual bonfire - on the beach this year. To be followed by the Francis family fireworks.

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5:00 PM17:00

LPIA Annual July 3rd Festivities

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

5-7pm Cookout at Luther Park

Burgers and hot dogs provided, bring a side or dessert if you are inclined but not necessary. We plan to hold an egg toss and may have other surprise activities. Feel free to play bocce. Water and sodas provided otherwise BYOB.

5pm Calling All Kids Parade!

Please decorate your wagons, bikes, and outfits for a short parade around the neighborhood. Kids are also welcome to ride in our motorized train!

Nighttime Bonfire

After the sunset we host our annual bonfire in the parking lot. To be followed by the Francis family fireworks on the beach (beach closed for safety).

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7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Paddle and Fire

  • Laurel Park Improvement Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are planning a 7pm paddle and fire pit this Saturday September 10th. Forecast looks good!

Kayaks, canoes, SUPs all welcome. If you need a vessel please email - we may have something you can borrow.

Should be a beautiful full moon rise over the Kicky, along with a fun moon tide.

As always please feel free to just stop by, or do just the paddle or the fire.

Hope to see some of you there!

Phil and Jane

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