When the tide is low, to the marsh, we’ll go!
Grab your pitchforks and don rubber boots for another go at removing naturally stranded, dead plant material, AKA wrack. It’s smothering the marsh and stymieing the growth of beneficial coastal grasses underneath.
One of LPIA’s youngest volunteer leaders, Amity Burock, will help lead the charge. She’ll need a big crew and is counting on You! Some volunteers will be enlisted to inventory trash found on the beach and in the marsh with assistance from Save The Bay, as part of the International Coastal Clean Up program that is world wide.
By the way, this will be Amity’s debut as head of a brandy new Climate Action Team she’s forming. Since marsh restoration is integral to absorbing impacts from sea level rise and storm surge, participants will automatically become part of the team. Great bragging rights. Go Amity!
On this day, another of our newest leaders, Nick Mulvihill, will pitch in at the park to organize leaf raking, debris clearing and repositioning some errant stones. Nick’s going to help us maintain our land assets going forward. Thanks Nick!
Bravo to everyone who turns out to help breathe new life into the marsh and the park. Nothing like a good cleanup.
This event is weather-dependent, but it looks like clear sailing.