The Constitution and Bylaws
Laurel Park Improvement Association, Inc.
Warren, Rhode Island

Note to members: The bylaws are currently being reviewed and will be updated later this year.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Laurel Park Improvement Association, Inc. as revised and approved by the Executive Committee shall be adopted, and shall be the Constitution and Laws under which this association shall be governed, and shall take effect on April 24, 2016.

2016 Executive Committee:
President – Lori Vales
Vice-President – vacant
Secretary – Joan DeSousa
Treasurer- Doug White
Property Chairman –Phil Keefe

2016 Bylaws Committee:
Lori Vales
Dave Vales
Joan DeSousa
Dinarte DeSousa

Order of Business
1. Roll call of Officers
2. Reading of minutes of previous session
3. Treasurer's report
4. Bills and Communications
5. Voting in of new members
6. Report of Committees
7. Unfinished business
8. New business
9. Good and welfare
10. Adjournment

The order of business may be suspended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present.

Article I - OBJECT

Section 1
The Laurel Park Improvement Association was incorporated on June 8, 1925. Its purpose and object is to promote the healthy growth and development of Laurel Park and to encourage a cooperative and wholesome social program for the residents of this community. Situated on the shores of the Kickemuit River in the Town of Warren, it is one of the most beautiful spots on the Atlantic Seaboard, and the founders of this Association hope to preserve and improve its clean and natural beauty and charm through the sincere cooperation of its members and friends. The Laurel Park Improvement Association is truly a mutual organization, each member (not associate) in good standing holding an equal equity in the assets of this Association. To preserve and further develop the present assets is the purpose of its members. The Laurel Park Improvement Association does not discriminate against any person(s) based on race, national origin, color, gender, religion, and (disability).

Section 2 - Non-Profit Status
The Association is not organized for profit and no part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, any member.


Section 1-A
All Real Estate property owners within the Laurel Park Plats, bounded by the Kickemuit River on the East, the East side of Metacom Avenue on the West, Clark Road and Overhill Road on the south, Lincoln Avenue and Homestead Avenue (including side streets off Homestead Avenue) together with members of their household, are eligible for membership upon payment of their initial fees and receiving favorable ballot of the majority of the members present at a regular meeting of the Association.

Section 1-B
All members in good standing who were regular members of this Association under the boundaries governing regular membership and who now find themselves outside the membership area, may continue to hold their membership as associate members as long as their dues are not more than one year in arrears. Delinquent members at the Annual Meeting will be dropped from the rolls and will not be reinstated.

Section 2-A
Associate membership in the Association will be available to those residing, but not owning real estate property in the area covered by Section 1-A, this Article, and upon receiving favorable ballot of the majority of members present at a regular meeting and upon payment of the regular dues. Associate members in this category are dropped automatically after moving outside the boundaries covered under Article II, Section 1-A.

Section 2-B
All regular and associate members shall (be given access to) one copy of the Bylaws and rules and regulations. Newly elected members shall receive the same.

Section 3
Honorary Membership may be given to a qualified widow or widower of one who has worked long and unselfishly for the betterment of the Association and has received favorable ballot of the majority of members present at a regular meeting. Honorary Members owning real estate as in Section 1-A, Article II, have full voice and voting privileges at all meetings.

Section 4
There shall be but one (1) membership fee paid by each household and payment of such fee entitles said household to one year’s membership.

Section 5
Household shall be construed as meaning: all members residing together in one common residence. Two voting privileges shall be allowed per household.

Section 6
Associate members cannot hold office in the Association but are eligible to serve as members of committees by appointment of the Chairman. They shall be allowed voice but no vote at any meeting.

Section 7
Any adult person or persons residing in the limits of Section 1, Article II, cannot be a guest of another member (except during events that are advertised for anyone).

Article III

Section 1
The dues of the members shall be determined by the vote of the membership at the Annual September meeting and shall be due and payable on or before April lst of the ensuing year.

Section 2
Members in arrears for non-payment of dues at the September meeting shall be declared lapsed and shall be denied voice and vote and be dropped from the rolls of the Association.

Section 3
Members so dropped may apply for reinstatement by paying the current dues upon ballot of the majority of the members present at a regular meeting of the Association.

Section 1
The officers of the Association shall consist of five members (in good standing) and shall be called the Executive Committee. They shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting by the membership. Each officer shall be nominated and elected for each respective office.

Section 2
Members so elected may serve as many as six (6) consecutive terms of office as they shall be duly elected to as per Section 1, Article IV.

Section 3
The Executive Committee shall have control of all phases of the Association affairs not otherwise provided for. In cases of emergency, at any regular or special meeting, they shall be empowered to conduct the business at hand by a majority vote of those present.

Section 4
The Executive Committee may authorize necessary expenditures up to the amount of $300.00 (three hundred) in the conduct of Association business.

Article IV

Section 1
The officers of the Association shall consist of five members (in good standing) and shall be called the Executive Committee. They shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting by the membership. Each officer shall be nominated and elected for each respective office.

Section 2
Members so elected may serve as many as six (6) consecutive terms of office as they shall be duly elected to as per Section 1, Article IV.

Section 3
The Executive Committee shall have control of all phases of the Association affairs not otherwise provided for. In cases of emergency, at any regular or special meeting, they shall be empowered to conduct the business at hand by a majority vote of those present.

Section 4
The Executive Committee may authorize necessary expenditures up to the amount of $300.00 (three hundred) in the conduct of Association business.

Article V

Section 1
The duties of the officers shall be designated by parliamentary procedure as described in the newly revised, Robert’s Rules of Order. The Executive Committee shall have a copy of said rules plus a copy of the Bylaws at every meeting.
Section 2-A
The Executive Committee shall serve as a Grievance Committee.

Section 2-B
The Executive Committee shall meet with all parties concerned in the grievance and lacking a solution by the Executive Committee the problem shall be presented to the membership for action.

Article VI

Section 1
The Executive Committee shall appoint all Committees.

Article VII

Section 1
Meetings of the Association shall be held at intervals by direction of the Executive Committee and members shall be notified at least five days in advance of such meetings.

Section 2-A
The Annual Meeting shall be held on the last Sunday of September. No annual meeting shall begin after 9:00 PM.

Section 2-B
The first meeting of the Season shall be the last Sunday in April.

Section 3
The Executive Committee shall meet at such times, as a majority of this Committee shall decree. All Executive Committee members shall be notified of all executive meetings.

Article VIII

Section 1
It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to present a set of rules and regulations for the beach, parking lot and playground, to be voted on by the membership at the first meeting of the season.

Section 2
These rules and regulations are binding on all members and their guests.

Section 3
It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee and all members to enforce these rules and regulations.

Section 4
Persistent and flagrant violations by members of these rules and regulations can result in loss of membership.

Section 5
The current rules and regulations as approved by the membership at the First Meeting of the Season shall be considered part of the By-Laws for the ensuing year.

Section 6
In response to an urgent situation that impacts the well-being of its members or the property owned by LPIA, a temporary rule may be instated by the executive committee until the next general meeting where it can be voted on by the membership present to uphold or overturn.

Article IX

Section 1
These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting providing notice of such proposed amendments was given at the preceding regular meeting, and that written notice of such proposed amendment was sent (by electronic, or paper) to all members at least ten (10) days before the meeting at which action would be taken on the amendment.

Article X

Section 1
In the event of a dissolution only, or sale of Association property, whether by voluntary action of members assembled in meeting, or for any other reason, the following procedure shall govern this action:
A. The plan must be submitted to the regular members by mail.
B. Final action can only be taken by vote at a meeting following that on which the plan was submitted to the Association and all members must be notified by written notice at least ten (10) days before the time the meeting is called stating that action will be taken.
C. In the event of the sale of a portion of the assets, monies derived will be returned to the coffers.

Section 2
In the event of complete dissolution of all the assets, the assets will then be divided on the basis of one (1) equal share for each paid regular membership. Only members in good standing at time of liquidation shall participate in division of such assets. Notification of liquidation shall be given by mail and voting shall by done by ballots (2 votes per household). These ballots must be received by mail or in person by the next scheduled meeting. The issue will be decided on by a two-thirds vote of the ballots received.

Article XI

Section 1
Any member in good financial standing may terminate their membership in the Association by written request, or verbally in open meetings. Such action however, does not entitle the member to share of the assets of this Association as per Article X, Section 2, hereof. This article specifically states that such a division shall only take place in the event of a liquidation of the Association.

The Laurel Park Improvement Association in General Meeting Assembled: RESOLVED: That the foregoing Code of By-Laws and Regulations as revised and approved shall be adopted and become the Constitution and Laws under which this Association shall be governed and shall take effect from this date April 24, 2016.