The beach during a King tide.

How does the State of Rhode Island classify the Kickemuit River?

The RI Coastal Resources Management Council classifies the Kickemuit River as a Type 2 Waterway for low-intensity recreational and residential use. Marinas are prohibited in Type 2 waters. The presence of a dock, float or combination of facilities that accommodate five or more recreational boats would be considered a marina.

What is the Water Quality Classification for the “Kicky”?

The RI Department of Environmental Management classifies the Kickemuit River as SA (Saltwater Class A) which means it is suitable for bating and contact recreation, shellfish harvesting for human consumption, and fish and wildlife habitat.

Are the shellfish beds open?

The Kicky is considered out of compliance with its classification and closed to shell fishing after half an inch of rain.

Call the RIDEM Hotline to get 24/7 info: 401-222-4900

What’s the tide?

What’s the weather NOW?

Is a jet ski a boat?

Yes, a Jet ski is considered a boat. They are specifically classified as "Personal Watercraft (PWC)" by the US Coast Guard and are regulated as Class A inboard motor vessels. PWCs must be registered with the State of Rhode Island.

PWCs should not be operated between ½ hour after sunset and ½ hour before sunrise. PWCs are not permitted to operate within two hundred feet (200') of swimmers, divers, shore, or moored vessels, except at headway speed. Launching from, or returning to, shore should also be at headway speed and perpendicular to shore.