becomE a member

All property owners and renters that reside within Laurel Park are eligible for membership. Regular, or Full Members reside in Laurel Park year-round. Associate Members are former Full Members who no longer live in Laurel Park, but can enjoy many of the same benefits as Full Members. Click on the Bylaws to learn more about categories of membership and conditions.

membership DUES

Individuals and families are eligible for membership upon payment of annual dues.

Full Membership: $170 per household

Associate Members: $170 per household

Senior Citizens (> 65): $120 per household

$10 early payment discount if submitted by November 15th annually

To apply, please submit the membership form with payment into the secure lockbox mounted on the side of the shed in Luther Park. Alternately, you may email your signed application to Your bank may offer payment using Zelle or e-bill. Scanning the QR code on the application will give you a list of banks offering Zelle and connect you to the account. If you use online bill pay, please send the check to Rick Amicucci, 9 Bay Road, Warren, RI 02885.


To learn more about volunteering, click here.